I Love You

Those three words, could they ever express the true emotion they are meant to? Have you ever said them and meant them? Have you ever said them and not meant them? Are they the most commonly used words or the least? Are they words said everyday or are they words that should be said everyday? Have you ever assumed that because you know you love somebody, they know it too?

What about the words that are said to the affect? “I’m yours”, “I care about you” or perhaps “I love spending time with you”. If someone said that to you would you take it as a slap in the face, or respect them for not using those three words lightly?

In today’s society, how do you know when those words are truly meant? Is it just a line to get somebody into bed? Is it a line to make someone feel better? Is it someone thinking that’s what you want to hear? Is it someone trying to grow up and settle down too fast? How can you tell that apart from those who truly mean it? Maybe in that case, you’d be more likely to believe the feeling existed from those who stayed silent?

Can somebody only ever ‘love’ one person? What about ‘first love’? Traditionally people rarely end up with their ‘first love’, does this make it socially acceptable to love more than one person? What about the differences between ‘love’ and ‘in love’. How do you judge the difference? Is there even a difference to judge? Is being ‘in love’ with someone the honeymoon period where you can’t stop thinking about them, you get butterflies, you want to be with them 24/7? Or is it the difference between love of a family or a friend and being ‘in love’ with a partner?

It could be argued that those three words don’t signify what they used to. You could argue, you’d be better of showing your love through actions. When a twelve year old finishes their texts with ‘luv ya’ to their boyfriend or girlfriend, has it changed the way society view those words? Should the abbreviation ‘luv’ ever be put into the same category? We all laugh at the idea of a twelve year old knowing the true meaning of love, but then where do you draw the line? When do you suddenly become mature enough? Does a sixteen year old know, when they’re legally allowed to “make love”? Does a twenty-one year old know? A thirty year old? Does everyone learn how to understand that word? Some people die alone, having never experienced love.

What about those who are scared of that word?  Stereotypically ‘men’ as it means commitment, but both women and men are scared of that word. Should that prevent someone from saying it? What’s the worst response you could get as a return? Would you regret it if your time ran out before you had the chance to say it? Or perhaps you just said it too late and had already lost the opportunity? Would you regret it then? When people are in near-death experiences or know they’re going to their death, people phone to tell someone they love them. On a death-bed, it is not often “I hate you” that is said; it is more likely to be “I love you”. But should it really take a near-death experience to tell somebody you love them? Should it not be something you’d be thrilled to say, and thrilled to have said to you? But even if you did say it, how would they know you meant it? Could just three simple words ever express the true emotion that you feel? But shouldn’t that be a risk you’re prepared to take for someone you love?

Right and Wrong

Did you ever wonder if there was a fine line between right and wrong or whether it was just a shade of grey? Some of us will give in to peer pressure and end up doing what you may once have completely disagreed with, others will keep to their morals no matter what people say. Very few of us will stick to our morals and try to influence others to keep them too. Would you stand up to an enemy if they were doing wrong? Or harder still, would you stand up to a friend when they were doing wrong? Do we actually have the right to tell others their behaviour is wrong? What about if it’s not just their life they’re destroying, it’s someone else’s too? Would you intervene or turn a blind eye? Could you live with yourself knowing that because you didn’t stand up for your beliefs, someone’s life was ruined?
Don’t get me wrong, I believe in the motto “It’s my life, I’ll do what I want”. But should that be a motto of someone who is influencing others? Should that be a motto of someone who has a dependent? Should we all be selfish, even when others are getting hurt?
For example, as a mother, your child would come first. As a friend, your friend would come first. Your partner would come first. Generally these roles should be selfless, but are they ever? Would you cheat on your partner, knowing they knew and that it was breaking their heart? If you loved them, the answer would be no. Would you betray a friend if you knew it would hurt them? If you loved them, the answer would be no. Would you risk your child’s well-being for the sake of your pleasure? If you loved them, the answer would be no.
And if you witnessed any of those acts, would you point them out? Or let them go? Would you feel guilt knowing they were wrong? But again, are they wrong in general, or just wrong to you? Would you know where to draw the line?


In the Name of Love...
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